Sueyoshi, one of The best Unagi Shop in Japan

Hi everyone, Happy new year 2024.

have you purchased the ticket for traveling in Japan?

I heard that the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 is a good time to visit Japan because the value of Japanese yen toward USD is still low.

So if you get bored to just traveling around Tokyo, why dont to try to have a trip to Kyushu Island?

I am not sure it is easy to fine Unagi or eel in your origin country.

or have you try to eat unagi in your life?

if you never eat Unagi in your life, or if you are an Unagi Lover, I recommend you to visit this restaurant.

Sueyoshi is a shop that located in the down town of Kagoshima. To be précised it is around Tenmonkan.

But things I need to remind you, if you want to come here, please dont come in empty stomach, because probably there will be along line in front of the shop.

But trust me the taste of the eel in this shop is realy really delicious.

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